The Sunshine Coast Chamber Alliance created a special series of videos that explores business through the eyes of four Award-winning Sunshine Coast entrepreneurs from their Humble Beginnings to Making the Future.
The series called ‘Let’s be Frank about Business’, supported by Sunshine Coast Council, gives the community a rare glimpse into the inner-workings of these Award-winning businesses, offering tips that are relevant across all industries.
The series asked entrepreneurs Heidi Walker from Walker Seafoods Australia, Tyson Tripcony from Fuel Your Life, Dave Becker from Becker Constructions and Ellie Degraeve from Go for Zero, the hard questions about business from starting up to getting real traction.
The series offers real insights into the different challenges businesses face through four key phases in episodes titled Humble Beginnings, Brave Steps, Dancing through Fire, and Making the Future, with one episode to be released each week during 2022 Queensland Small Business Month.
Thanks to Sunshine Coast Council for supporting this project, which was produced for the Sunshine Coast Chamber Alliance by Reflected Image PRoductions.
You can view the trailer below. To view all four episodes go to the Sunshine Coast Chamber Alliance website.